Transport & School Map


Buses - The school bus services for 2025 will run. For more information, please contact Pearsons on 03-4372968 or [email protected].

Biking to school - If your son is biking to school then encourage him to bike down the bike track and then follow the track into the south side of the school as it leads directly to the bike lock up - this is locked between 9am and 3pm each school day.

School drop off and pick up - If you intend to drive your son to school then we ask that you please drop and pick up on Waitaki Ave no closer to school than the Milner grandstand as this limits traffic congestion and makes sure the bus stops are clear. Please do not enter the school grounds as this becomes unsafe with so many students around especially between 3:05pm - 3:25pm.

Parking – the student car park, for those who have registered their vehicle with the Deputy Rector, is between the pool and the dining hall.

School Map