Students are challenged to stand up for themselves, to develop resilience and be highly motivated. The school offers a full range of academic and vocational pathways. They are supported by modern IT and leading technology.
Our teachers have an understanding of the individual learning needs of all our students. We aim to empower boys as learners and to encourage in them responsibility for their own learning. So they are active, not passive learners. There is an increasing emphasis on vocational pathways providing students opportunities to gain credits in the workplace.
All boys are equally valued, but individualised learning needs are assessed. This allows those with the highest aspirations as well as those requiring a fully supported learning environment to achieve relative success.
The goal for the near future of the school is to have programmes that answer the needs of the student as opposed to the students being fitted into programmes. To this end we have a growing vocational pathways programme and some shared classes with Waitaki Girls’ High School which offers an ever-broadening curriculum. Interaction and consultation with the community will be an important part of this 21st Century approach.
A BYOD (Bring your own device) policy has been introduced at the school and within the next 5 years it is expected that every boy in the school will have access to a digital device at school.
In 2024 we implemented a new Period 5 programme. All formal teaching and learning is now taking place before lunchtime with no interruptions.
Monday - Full Assembly: This is to celebrate success and enable a positive school culture.
Tuesdays and Thursday (Semester One) / Thursday and Friday (Semester Two) - ‘Inspire’ Programme: The boys are engaged in classes that are “passions” of the staff and that they have selected. Classes include Cooking, Art Studio, Young Farmers, numerous Sports academics, Polyfest, Adventure Sports, to name but a few.
Wednesday - Whānau time (Formerly House Group): With smaller numbers and more time whānau teachers can better meet individual pastoral needs. This term each whānau time begins with 20 minutes silent reading to improve the boys literacy.
Friday - Well-being Programme (Term One Only): Each Year Group has a different programme with a general focus for Term 1 around ‘Feeling good about myself ’.
Friday - Scrano (Term Two Only): Scrano Practice