The Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga (ERO) evaluates and reports on the education and care of children and young people in early childhood services and schools.
The school can draw from the following strengths noted in the 2023 Review to support it in its goal to achieve equitable outcomes for all learners. The:
• school is improvement focused and wants the best outcomes for its learners so that they can participate fully in society
• local partnerships the school has developed and strengthened to support school improvement
• ways in which staff are collaborating to improve outcomes for learners
• success the school has had in supporting Pacific learners and their families to achieve and progress • progress the school has made in working with the local runaka in 2021 to build a stronger working partnership
In 2023 Don House received a glowing endorsement from Education Review Office (ERO). Their report included comments such as
“...changes have led to considerable positive developments in hostel management, operations, policies, and procedures...Boarders receive high quality pastoral care and support with their health and wellbeing. Students spoken with valued the ways in which hostel staff do everything they can to ensure boarders get the most out of their time Waitaki Boys’ High School... Recent survey indicates high levels of satisfaction from parents about their son’s experience in relation to hostel life and their care”.